Friday, 7 January 2011

No longer happy!

So as you can tell from the title I am not very happy. If you watch my Youtube channel you may have watched a recent video uploaded the other day(Skincare Routine). If not, I have been suffering from a few spots that just haven't wanted to go away... So I scanned good old Google to see what I could use to get rid of them good and fast. I came across Panoxyl Aqua Gel and I instantly loved it. My spots were starting to calm down and slowly started to go. However..... my skin where the spots were have gone completely dry!

I had read that the cream would create dry skin but no way did I think my skin would feel this painful. I think that the cream was too strong for my skin, which has caused it to turn red, patchy and very sore! I guess this is just my own experience with this product but I thought I would just mention it you all so that you're aware of some of the side effects. I had constantly been apply moisturizer to the area, so hopefully it will go away.


  1. Ahh, I had the same problem with BP. I did however visit my doctor, and he prescribed me Duac gel which does contain BP. It dried my skin but I used it every other day. And moisturised like mad on the in between days. Now my skin looks pretty good, imo :P xx

  2. Think I'm going to lay off it for a while and take your advice on just using it on and off :) xx

  3. oh gosh yes lather in moisturiser x

  4. Hi! :) I like your channel and your blog! You should check out my blog too!

    But, I use Mupirocin (2%) it was prescribed by my doctor. I think you should try it out! It helps fade my acne scars and doesn't dry at all!
    I will be doing a skin care routine soon too!
    Hope this helps ^^

  5. Thank you for your advice :) xx
